CoQ10: one of my favorite vitamins

Steven Windley MD
Coq10 has long been and continues to be one of my favorite vitamins. Coq10 is found in the body in the powerhouse of all our cells called the mitochondria. The mitochondria makes our energy – energy for the brain, the heart, the kidneys and everything else. This makes coq10 a big deal. The heart and the brain need and use a lot of energy. The muscles can do. So I use it for many different conditions and situations.
My top picks for coq10 include: Parkinson’s Disease : studies vary on this, but clinically find it helpful. Heart Disease Heart Failure : heart failure is tough, but coq10 has helped many people. Chronic Fatigue Headaches of various types I occasionally find it low in patients who have had bariatric surgery or have malabsorption issues.
Coq10 is also known to be depleted with certain medications including statin medications. Statins are used routinely for high cholesterol, so I suggest to my patient to take coq10 as well so that levels to not get depleted. Coq10 is a fat soluble vitamin which means it is absorbed with fat. So it is taken with a meal. I like this vitamin as my patients tolerate it well.

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